AWC analysis of the World Bank’s COVID-19 response in MENA
On February 25, Arab Watch Coalition held an online Webinar to introduce 7 case studies conducted by its organization members from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen. From
AWC assesses the World Bank’s COVID-19 response in MENA
Throughout the year 2020-2021, Arab Watch Coalition conducted 7 analytical studies through the Coalition members in 7 different countries around MENA. Those studies analyzing specific projects under the World Bank
World Bank’s Covid-19 Emergency Response in Iraq
Research Paper by The Organization for Women and Children on the Monitoring, the Follow-up and the Assessment of the World Bank’s Covid-19 Emergency Response in Iraq
World Bank’s Covid-19 Emergency Response in Egypt
Snapshot review by Shamseya for Innovative Community Healthcare Solutions of Two World Bank COVID-19 Health support programs in Egypt
Missing receipts: what happened to the billions of dollars provided by international finance institutions for the COVID-19 response?
Press Release 31 January, 2022 – International Financial Institutions (IFIs) have designated billions of dollars to respond to the pandemic and related social and economic crises. Yet, there is a
The EIB Environmental and Social standards need concrete commitments
The Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank (EIB) could approve the new Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework (ESSF) next week, on 2 February 2022. Today and ahead of
#Dev4Africa Campaign calls on the AfDB to ensure sustainable development in Africa
#Dev4Africa is a campaign launched by grassroots groups, Indigenous Peoples, civil society organizations, communities, workers, women, and other right-holders and allies who share the common belief that fair and sustainable
Titan Cement Plant in Alexandria, Egypt: A Story that Sums Everything that Could Go Wrong with the IFC Accountability System
#ViolationsFact #ESS_before_financial Written by: Amy Ekdawi, Arab Watch Coalition In 2010 the International Finance Corporation, the arm of the World Bank Group that invests in private sector, invested a total of
World Bank’s Covid-19 Emergency Response in Yemen
Report on the Implementation of Ida’s COVID-19 Response Grant for Yemen <p></p>