Understanding the World Bank’s Updated CCE Framework and New Monitoring Indicator: Key Insights and CSOs’ Recommendations
The Lebanese Government is Formed—Nine Urgent Priorities for Economic Recovery
Tunisia’s IMF Journey: Unveiling the Successes, Failures, and Ongoing Challenges.
AWC’s Comments and Recommendations on the World Bank Group’s Proposed New Country Engagement Approach
A Mess of Pottage: Cash and Kind
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Who we are?

We are a regional coalition of Civil Society from MENA, whose watching the operations of International Financial Institutions (IFIs) in the region to make sure that the development processes are inclusive, participatory, just, and sustainable for all. We engage with civil society, local communities, and right-holders to ensure their interests are reflected in the national development.

Our Blogs

The Mirage of Engagement: Unraveling the IMF’s Lip Service to Arab Civil Society

The Mirage of Engagement: Unraveling the IMF’s Lip Service to Arab Civil Society

In today’s global financial landscape, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is often viewed as a key ‘architect’, structuring financial frameworks that dictate the economic paths of nations facing acute financial