The World Bank must end all investments in fossil fuels now
On the WORLD BANK ACTION DAY 2021 on October 14/15, 77 CSOs around the world sent a letter to the World Bank calling for drastic commitments to climate and social
200+ CSOs call on world leaders to end public finance for fossil fuels in 2021
September 23rd, 2021 Contact: Laurie van der Burg, laurie@priceofoil.org, +31639020914 Lucile Dufour, ldufour@iisd.org, +33677274003 One day before world leaders meet to discuss the energy transition at the United
The EU development bank should commit to Human Rights
The European Investment Bank (EIB) is currently reviewing the upcoming Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework (ESSF), which will be adopted in the coming months. In meanwhile, Arab Watch Coalition with
The EU Bank about to fail becoming a responsible lender
The European Investment Bank (EIB) is closing today the public consultation as part of the review of its Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework. A large group of civil society organisations
CSOs Comments on the AfDB’s DAI Policy Implementation Review
In August 4th, and upon request from civil society groups around the African continent, a written contribution from their side was submitted to the Records Management and Information Disclosure Secretariat
First meeting to launch the regional campaign against Austerity policies in the MENA region
Among the #EndAusterity global campaign, Arab Watch Coalition held its first meeting (Meeting 0) yesterday, with 15 civil society organizations, including the coalition members from Tunisia, Jordan, Morocco, Egypt and
Letter to the EIB: Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework needs to inclusive approache
35 NGOs around the world, including Arab Watch Coalition and its organization members around the MENA region, sent a joint letter to the European Investment Bank (EIB) on its reviewing
Follow-up on concerns raised towards Transparency and CSOs’ Engagement in the AfDB’s DAI policy review
On May 10 2021, Arab Watch Coalition and various other Civil Society groups addressed a letter to the African Development Bank (AfDB). In this correspondence, CSOs flagged lack of Transparency
For meaningful Environmental and Social Safeguards, the AfDB needs CSOs and local communities’ inputs
The ongoing review of Integrated Safeguards System (ISS) of the African Development Bank (AfDB) is a key opportunity for the bank to effectively engage with civil society and local communities