Arab Watch Coalition Program in the Civil Society Policy Forum

The sessions:
- Session 1:
Fit for purpose? IMF gender mainstreaming strategy and taxation approaches during multiple intersecting crises
Date: Tuesday 11th 11:15 AM DC time/ 15h 15 GMT
Co-organized with Action Aid International, Bretton Woods Project, Center for Economic and Social Rights, Christian Aid..
Link :
Translation available (Arabic & French)
- Session 2:
Food crisis in MENA region in relation to climate change and Ukraine war in the time of austerity policies
Date: Wednesday 12th 8:30-10:00am DC time/ 12:30 – 14:00 GMT
Moderator: Shereen Talaat, the co-executive director of Arab Watch Coalition
- Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Former Independent Expert
- Nadia Hmaity, representing: For a clean and participatory energy transition in Morocco – Think Tank
- Ramzi Laamouri – Observatoire de la Souveraineté Alimentaire et de l’Environnement (OSAE)
- Eslam Gaber, researcher in Climate and food safety
- Bjoern Rother Division Chief within the IMF’s Strategy, Policy and Review Department
Translation available (Arabic & French)
- Session 3:
IMF quota reform: adapting IMF governance structures to meet contemporary challenges
Date : Wednesday 12th 11:15 AM DC time/ 15h 15 GMT
Moderator: Shereen Talaat, the co-executive director of Arab Watch Coalition
- Lara Merling, Boston University Global Development Policy Center
- Abu Bakarr Kamara, Budget Advocacy Network in Sierra Leone
- Andres Arauz, politician, economist and researcher
- Session 4:
Responsible exit: how accountability to communities is necessary for sustainable investing
Date: Wednesday 12th 2:30-4:00 pm DC time/ 18:30 – 20:00 GMT
Moderator: Sarah Dorman, Senior Attorney, CIEL
- Amy Ekdawi, Co-Director, Arab Watch Coalition
- Mara Bocaletti, Director, Plataforma Internacional Contra La Impunidad
- Linda Oduor-Noah, Health Policy and Advocacy Advisor, Oxfam International
- Session 5:
Avoiding austerity in a time of compounding crises
Date: Wednesday 12th 2:30-4:00 pm DC time/ 18:30 – 20:00 GMT
Organizer: Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD)
- Session 6:
A question mark on human capital in MENA, review on WB programs, Morocco as a case study
Date: Thursday 13th, 10:30-12:00 PM DC time/ 14:30 – 16:00 GMT
Organizers: Association Jeunes pour Jeunes, Maroc
Moderator: Rafat Al Akhali co-founder and chairman of Resonate Yemen
- Samir Samri, Board member, Association Jeunes pour Jeunes
- Amy Ekdawi, Co-Executive Director, Arab Watch Coalition
- Ahmad Awad, President, Phenix Center for Economics & Informatics Studies
- Fanida Oubenaissa, Board member, Espace Point de Départ
- World Bank representative
Traduction available (Arabic & French)
- Session 7:
Establishing an IMF Independent Accountability Mechanism: Strengthening IMF accountability in the context of evolving challenges
Date: Thursday 13th, 4:30-6:00pm DC time/ 20:30 – 22:00 GMT
Co-organized with The Bretton Woods Project, Center for International Environmental Law, Accountability Counsel, Christian Aid, Kvinna till Kvinna
- Session 8:
Implications of financial deepening for inequality and its impact on gender, poverty, and marginalization
Date: Friday 14th, 8:30-10:00am DC time / 12:30 – 14:00 GMT
The side events:
Annual Meetings 2023: How to support the effort of civil society in the MENA region?
Date: Friday 14th, 3 to 6pm DC time/ 19:00-22:00 GMT
Organizer : AWC
Location: Bank Information Center office – Washington DC
IMF Policy & Governance in the context of ‘poly-crisis’, What next?
Date: Saturday 15th, 1:00 PM DC time / 17:00 GMT
Link : TBC
The World Bank action day march
- World Bank action day march
Date: Friday 14th, 12 noon DC time / 16:00 GMT
Full program of the CSPF