Re-constructing IMF-Civil Society Engagement in the Arab Region
Context In a landscape where the global financial architecture increasingly dictates the pace and direction of development, engagement between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in
Challenges and Dynamics of Global Carbon Taxation and Emissions Trading – Research Brief
I. Context Climate change has emerged as an anchoring challenge of this decade – one marked with environmental, economic, health, and debt crises– necessitating a unified response from countries worldwide.
The IMF’s Lazy Economics Will Not Save MENA
A protest against the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund’s policies during the 2023 Annual Meetings of the WBG/ IMF, held in Marrakech from October 9 to October 15.
MENA Civil Society Calls for Public Disclosure and Consultation on IFC’s Remedial Action Framework
On December 15, 2023, the Arab Watch Coalition, along with its regional partners from the MENA region, submitted a letter to the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) of the World
Bisri Dam Project Fallout: The Nahouli Family’s Battle for Compensation Exposes Gaps with the World Bank’s Due Diligence
Myriam Nahouli delivering her testimony during the CSPF panel titled: “Examining Barriers to Accountability for Communities in the Middle East & North Africa– Marrakech October 12. Myriam Nahouli, along
SDRs, Complex Injustice and Lessons for the Future: SDR experience in the Arab region amid Covid-19
The Arab Watch Coalition has released a paper that closely examines the latest distribution of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2021. This research highlights
A toolkit for activists on how to engage IFIs in standing for the closing civic space
Activists are trying to mobilize as many powerful international actors as possible to stand up to the increasingly closing civic space and human rights violations. To identify these actors, the
Submission To IFC on Remedy and Responsible Exit
On April 20, 2023, an alliance of civil society organizations, including the Arab Watch Coalition, submitted two policy papers to the International Financial Corporation and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.
A Community is left to pay a hefty price for the IFC to “Learn Free Lessons”
A COMMUNITY IS LEFT TO PAY A HEFTY PRICE FOR THE IFC TO “LEARN FREE LESSONS” TITAN ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT Written by: Amy Ekdawi Background Nestled on the Northern Egyptian Coast,