A toolkit for activists on how to engage IFIs in standing for the closing civic space

Activists are trying to mobilize as many powerful international actors as possible to stand up to the increasingly closing civic space and human rights violations. To identify these actors, the activists apply a ‘follow the money approach, which often leads to International Financial Institutions (IFIs) at the top. The loans and grants offered by these institutions afford them great leverage over recipient countries. However, activists who approach these IFIs asking for support in mitigating the harms of a closed civic space are often frustrated and puzzled when met with an unwillingness to help.
This toolkit, by Amy Ekdawi, explains why IFIs disregard these requests for support. It also explores potential tweaks and reframing techniques that may better allow these requests to fit within the mandates and policies of IFIs. Most importantly it explores different advocacy strategies tailored to the internal “plumbing”, and power dynamic of these institutions.